Device Biomechanics

When a stent is implanted new tissue grows around the implanted stent. In some cases this can be excessive resulting in restenosis. At GCCM we have developed novel algorithms for reconstruction of stents from OCT images. Using these images we are using computational fluid dynamics to examine the association between wall shear stress and neo-intima/neo-atherosclerosis growth.

Machine Learning

Manual analysis of medical images is challenging due to the large number of images and the need for expert interpretation. At GCCM we have developed the DeepIVUS platform for automatic segmentation of IVUS images. DeepIVUS is capable of measuring lumen area, plaque area and plaque burden in 20, 40 and 45 MHz IVUS images.

Biomechanics of Atherosclerosis

Wall shear stress is a mechanical force associated with changes in plaque morphology. At GCCM we are analyzing the relationship between coronary artery plaque and wall shear stress using several different imaging modalities. Using OCT we are analyzing the association between high wall shear stress and fibrous cap thickness. Using CCTA we are investigating the incremental benefit of wall shear stress as a predictor of major adverse cardiac events.